Bonus declared by two companies

Bonus shares are the additional shares given by company to its existing share holders without taken any extra cost to its share holders . These shares are free shares given by a company , based upon the number of shares that a share holder owns. 

Bonus issue 

Reading time - 2 Minutes 

1. Apollo Pipes 

Apollo pipes limited , formerly known as Amulya Leasing and finance Limited , is an india based company , which is focused on the development , manufacturing and distribution of plastic piping systems . The company is engaged in the business of manufacturing of multiple ranges of pipes , including clorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes , unplasticised poly vinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes , high polyethylene (HDPE) products , steel pipes and hollow section . The company manufactures the pipes under the brand name APL Apollo pipes . Its pipes are used in  commercial and residential , water fitting system etc. The company's product are used in different sector like , infrastructure , industrial , agricultural , buildings , construction. 

Bonus details - 

Ex-date : 02 December 2021 
Record date : 4 December 2021 
Bonus Ratio :  2:1 
Face value  : Rs. 10 
Share price (as on 1 december 2021 ) - 1749  Rs 

2. Indian energy exchange limited 

Indian  energy exchange  limited is an india-based company , which offers an electronic plateform for the trading of electricity products . Its products include day-ahead-market (ADM) electricity contacts , term-ahead-market (TAM) , electricity contract , Renewable energy certificate (REC) and energy saving certificates (RSC) . Buyers and sellers submit the when the market open and matching of bids is done on double sided closed auction mechanism with uniform market clearing price . Its exchange  have weekly contracts , intraday contracts , daily contracts . Indian Gas Exchange is the subsdiary of the company. 

Bonus Details - 

Ex-date : 03 December 2021 
Record date : 6 December 2021 
Bonus Ratio :  2:1 
Face value  : Rs. 1 
Share price (as on 1 december 2021 ) - 729.95 

2:1 = 2 bonus shares for every 1 existing share held 

Also read - 

Why Company gives bonus shares instead of dividend ?

Bonus shares are issued by a company when company is able to give dividend due to lack of funds. 

Who are eligible for bonus share ? 

All share holders who owns a share of a company before ex-date of a company .

Does the share price of company remain same after bonus ? 

No, by issuing bonus shares the number of outstanding shares in the market increases and at the same time value of each share decreases according to the bonus issue ratio. 

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