Multibagger stock that gives 6,620.32% return in 9 months
EKI Energy Services gives 6,620.32% return in just 9 months. EKI Energy Services Limited is Carbon Credit or Environmental consulting service company. EKI energy is the largest Carbon Credit developer and supplier across the developing countries. Company was founded by Mr. Manish Dabkara, a 37 year old entrepreuner, Mr. Manish Dabkara have Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and in Energy and Environment Management. He is Certified Energy Auditor. The Company was founded in 2008, located in Indore Madhya pradesh.
If you Invested 1 lakh in EKI Energy Services 3 months ago (approx. 49 share) than your 1 lakh become 4 lakh 61 thousand rupees.
Multibagger stock that gives 6,620.32% return in 9 months |
EKI Energy Service only listed on BSE SME (Bombay Stock Exchange). EKI listed in BSE on 9 April 2021, price 162.05 in SME plateform. Company sector is Consulting firm.
Product Offering by EKI Energy :-
- Carbon offset standards
- Carbon offsetting
- Renewable Energy attributes
- Carbon footprinting & Neutrality
- Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
- World Bank
- Indian Railways
- SB Energy
- Greenk
- Adani
- ReNew power
- Azure power
- Susten by mahindra
- Aditya birla group
- Jaypee group
- Hindustan zinc
- Fortum
- CK birla group
- Baidyanath
EKI Energy stock Returns below :-
- 1 day Return : -5%
- 1 week Return :- 4.54%
- 1 month Return :- 50.78%
Today, 05 January 2022 EKI Energy Stock Price is Rs. 9408.45 (-5.00%). Below Performance of Stocks :
Performance :-
Today high Price of Stock is Rs. 9408.45 and low price is Rs. 9408.45. Stock 52 week high price is Rs. 10,946.00 and 52 week low price is Rs. 140. Previous close price of stock is Rs. 9,903.6 and volume is 3900.
Fundamentals of EKI Energy Services :-
- Market Cap : Rs. 6,808 crore
- ROE (Return on Equity) : 120.20%
- P/E Ratio (Price to earning ratio) : 364.15
- EPS (Earning per share) : 189.56
- P/B Ratio (Price to Book ratio) : 273.39
- Dividend Yield : 0.01%
- Industry P/E : --
- Book value : 228.27
- Face value : Rs. 10
Financials of EKI Energy Service :-
In 2018 company revenue is 6.99 cr, profit is 27 lakh. In 2019 company revenue is 19.76 cr, profit is 68 lakh. In 2020 company revenue is 65.90 cr, profit is 4.51 cr. In 2021 company revenue is 191 cr, profit is 18.70 cr.
Conclusion :- company's revenue and profit continuously grow on YoY
Big Shark Investor in Company
- Mukul Mahavir prasad agarwal (1.87%)
- Mukul Agarwal (1.87%)